In line with the precepts of the World Trade Organization (WTO) which is against counterfeiting and also the abuse of Intellectual Property rights, we have a set of initiatives that are meant to ensure that all our clients get GENUINE JAPANESE TOYO products. In order to protect you from being duped through the unauthorized representation of a registered trademark placed onto lifting equipment identical to or similar to the TOYO trademark, we have the following strategies:
Attempts have been made to defraud buyers and end-users by the unauthorized use of the TOYO name and brand via email communications and graphics images which appear, on the surface, to have originated from TOYO.
In most cases the TOYO products are sold as different model number and with fake certifications. These malicious parties use the brand TOYO without authorization and use the same on catalogs, fake photos and distorted videos to establish their claim. Most of these products are made with raw material which do not meet required standards resulting in malfunction of product upon usage.
There are many unofficial traders and unauthorized importers who buy and sell this fake and counterfeit products in your local country. Always buy only from authorized distributors.
Please be advised that TOYO products and models are listed in our official website.
TOYOLIFT JAPAN GK accepts no responsibility for any costs or malfunctioning of products which were improperly incurred as a result of fraudulent activity.